The Commonwealth Fund: Health Coverage Status of Those Whose Jobs Were Affected By the Pandemic

  1. 53% of adults said they or a partner/spouse were still covered by a furloughed job
  2. 14% said they had gained employer coverage through their own or a spouse/partner's employer
  3. 10% said they or their spouse/partner had health coverage through COBRA (the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)
  4. 7% said they or their spouse/partner had Medicaid or an individual market/marketplace health plan
  5. 21% said they were now uninsured
Notes: Percent of respondents age 18+ who said they and/or their spouse/partner lost or were furloughed from their job and had insurance through affected job and either respondent and/or spouse/partner was covered by one of the above types of insurance. Survey was conducted May 13 through June 2, 2020.